

布里德市長與亞太議會(API Council)成員合照。








‧ 減少在嘗試開設新店面或擴展到新空間時的所遇到的障礙

‧ 允許更多的商業不用經過長達數月的許可程序的情況下開業

‧ 使產業多樣化,以填補空置地舖

‧ 解決提供娛樂和/或酒精的場所,以及為顧客提供戶外用膳的商業所面對的挑戰

這些是我們正在採取的關鍵立法步驟。但我們也在改進我們每天在位於South Van Ness 49號的新三藩市許可證中心與商戶的互動方式。許可證中心在一個中央地點提供由23個不同許可證部門提供的服務站,而不是把顧客送到多個地點遞交申請。





三藩市市長 倫敦.布里德

Making it easier for small businesses

My fellow San Franciscans,

Too often, small businesses face unnecessary barriers with layers of rules and regulations that make it hard to open and operate a business here. We’ve made some good progress in this area, for example with the passage of Prop H by the voters two years ago, which significantly shortened the process for some business approvals.

But it’s not enough. We need to expand this kind of streamlining to more small businesses so we can fill vacant storefronts and support entrepreneurs.

That’s why I am proposing additional small business permitting improvements, building upon the success of work we have done to:

Reduce the number of barriers when trying to open a new storefront or expand into a new space

Allow more businesses to open without going through the months-long permitting process

Diversify industries to fill vacant commercial ground floor spaces

Address challenges for venues that provide entertainment and/or alcohol, as well as for businesses that offer outdoor patios for patrons

These are key legislative steps we are taking. But we also are improving how we interact with small businesses every day in our new San Francisco Permit Center at 49 South Van Ness. The Permit Center offers 23 distinct service areas by different permitting departments in one centralized location, instead of sending people off to multiple locations

Opened in July 2021, these services are provided by the Planning Department, Department of Building Inspection, Department of Public Health, Department of Public Works, among others. By centralizing services in one place, customers can move between permitting departments efficiently, resulting in a better experience and improved government function. Since the start of this year, the Permit Center has served an average of 191 customers per day and provides on average 531 services daily.

We have continued to make changes and improvements to the processes as part of the City’s recovery efforts so that entrepreneurs can focus on serving their customers and building up a successful business.

Please add me on WeChat for updates and resources: londonbreed.


London N. Breed

