





事實上,在2021年,針對亞裔社區的仇恨犯罪數量增加了567%。 從2020年的9宗,到前年的8宗,上升到2021年的60宗。這些針對亞裔的攻擊,僅僅是基於受害人的背景或語言。當涉及到襲擊和虐待長者等其他罪案時,案例反映了對這個社區成為了更廣泛的目標。


仇恨犯罪影響著我們所有人 —— 市內許多社區包括猶太社區、同性戀社區、非裔和阿拉伯裔社區等都是受害目標。而亞裔社區相關的數據更令人震驚,我亦在此明確表示三藩市絕對不會容忍這些罪行。


我們還與社區青年中心合作開展了守護社區計劃。 他們深入社區內,建立多種族夥伴關係及凝聚社區。在商業區內巡邏。認識居民。搭建社區橋樑和令社區更健壯。



而在短期內,在新增這些課程之前,我們需要更多的即時撥款。 因此,我為三藩市警察局引入了公共安全撥款提案,以確保關鍵的服務可持續到財政年度結束。 該提案要求撥款2,250萬元,將向三藩市警察局追加790萬元,也為三藩市消防局追加1,460萬元,以便各部門能夠繼續提供基本的市政服務,並避免削減人手,從而降低應對嚴重犯罪的能力,保持應變速度,並滿足其他基本安全需求。

目前,我們的公共安全部門正處於人員配置短缺的危機中,這既需要像公共安全撥款提案等的即時解決方案,也需要長期計劃以填補警校課程。 我們需要警察在街上巡邏,投入社區警務和應對犯罪問題,我們需要消防員和醫護人員處理弱勢社群的緊急救助電話。 這筆撥款必須盡快被批出,才能讓當局履行基本職責。


最後,還有兩天,我們便迎接農曆新年的到來,我想在此向居民表達最誠摯的感謝。 一元復始,萬象更新,虎年代表力量和勇氣,我們將繼續團結,確保三藩市安康,支持市內小商業,並上下一心捍衛這多元化社區和長者的安全。憑著希望、勇氣和決心,讓我們透過新機會和通往更光明未來的大道去迎接虎年到來。 讓我們與家人、朋友和鄰居以福氣一同慶祝這重要的時刻。





AAPI Community Safety

My fellow San Franciscans,

Based on the data from this past year, we unfortunately saw a significant increase in hate crimes against our Asian American community over the last year.

In fact, in 2021, the number of hate crimes against our AAPI community increased by 567%. From just 9 in 2020, and just 8 the year before, to 60 in 2021. These are targeted attacks on a community solely because of who they are or the language they speak. And they are reflective of a broader targeting of this community when it comes to other crimes like assaults and elder abuse.

Our seniors deserve to be able to walk safely down the street. Our kids should not be scared to walk outside with the fear of being targeted. No one in this community should feel that way.

Hate crimes impact all of us – and we know many communities are targeted in this City, including our Jewish community, the LGBT community, the African-American community, and the Arab-American community. But the numbers we are seeing here are alarming in our AAPI community, and I want to make this clear — we will not tolerate these crimes in San Francisco.

We will continue to invest in safety resources to protect our community and hold people accountable for the crimes they commit. Whether it’s community-based safety resources or police academy classes, we will work to make sure that everyone feels protected in our City. We have partnered with Self Help for the Elderly for programs like the Seniors Escort Program, which provides escorts for people to be able to run errands, go to appointments, or just get fresh air.

We’ve also worked with Community Youth Center on our Community Guardians program. They are about being out there in the community, with multi-racial partnerships, bringing people together. Walking in our merchant corridors. Getting to know the people. They are about building bridges, and strengthening neighborhoods.

And with the budget season approaching, we are working with the community to make sure programs like this continue well into the future. But we know it takes more than community, which is why we need to continue to address what has really become a crisis of police staffing in this City.

In the long run, we have to add more police academy classes to have more foot beat officers and community engagement along our commercial corridors, quicker response times, and more diversity in the Department so we can have more officers who speak Cantonese and Mandarin out in the neighborhoods every day keeping people safe.

In the short-term, before we can add those classes, we need more immediate funds. That is also why I introduced a Public Safety Funding measure for the San Francisco Police Department to ensure critical services continue through the end of the fiscal year. The proposal, which calls for an allocation of $22.5 million, would provide an additional $7.9 million to SFPD and $14.6 million for SFFD so that the Departments can continue to provide essential city services and avoid cuts that would reduce the ability to address serious crime, maintain emergency response times, and meet other basic safety needs.

Right now, our public safety departments are in a staffing crisis, which requires both immediate solutions like this Public Safety Funding, and a long-term commitment to funding and filling Academy Classes. We need police officers out on the street engaging in community policing and addressing crime, and we need our firefighters and paramedics responding to emergency calls when people are at their most vulnerable. That funding must be approved quickly so we can continue to meet our basic responsibilities.

It is now up to the Board of Supervisors to get this Public Safety Funding approved. And your continued support will be needed as we push this all forward.

Finally, as we welcome the new year in two days, I want to express my sincerest gratitude to the people of this great City. The Year of the Tiger signifies strength, bravery, and courage, and with a new beginning, we’ll continue to come together to protect the health and well-being of our City, support our small businesses, and remain united to stand up for the safety of our diverse communities and our seniors. With hope, courage, and determination, let’s ring in the Year of the Tiger by providing access to new opportunities and a path to a brighter future. With good fortune and best wishes, let’s celebrate this important time with our family, friends, and neighbors and uplift the spirits of those around us. Have a safe, healthy, and prosperous new year. Gung Hay Fat Choy!

Please add me on WeChat for updates and resources: londonbreed.


London N. Breed

