
中國科技之旅:廣州,深圳,上海, 蘇州,杭州, 烏鎮,14天12晚
“The Journey of Technology in China: Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Wuzhen, 14 days 12 nights”

★Dreaming with Technology – Guiding the Future – Innovating Growth
Exclusive Technology Experience
DJI Drones & BYD New Energy Vehicles & Tencent & Spring Airlines & BroadMesse International

旅遊體驗: 深度體驗,不留遺憾,登頂樂方明珠&浦江遊船&杭州菜茶&船游西湖&蘇州古運河遊船&江南名園&水鄉-烏鎮
Travel Experience: Deep Exploration, No Regrets, Summit of Lefang Mingzhu, Pujiang River Cruise, Hangzhou Tea and Cuisine, West Lake Boat Tour, Suzhou Ancient Grand Canal Cruise, Jiangnan Classical Gardens, Water Town – Wuzhen

【DJI Drones】It is not only a display, experience, and sales center for the full range of DJI products, but also a support center for after-sales technical support. It’s also a gathering place for the Mech Master Club.
【BYD】Leader in New Energy Vehicles. As a pioneer in global new energy overall solutions, we are committed to building a comprehensive zero-emission new energy ecosystem.
【Tencent】is a world-leading internet technology company, enhancing the quality of life for people worldwide through innovative products and services.
【Spring Airlines】Learning from the participants – one of the first private airlines in China, and currently the most successful low-cost airline in the country.
Day1 原居地-廣州(飛機上)
Day 1: Departure City – Guangzhou (On the plane)
Day2 抵達廣州
Day 2: Arrival in Guangzhou
Day3 廣州:開營儀式,歡迎晚宴
Day 3: Guangzhou – Opening Ceremony, Welcome Dinner
Day4 廣州-深圳:錦繡中華民俗文化村
Day 4: Guangzhou to Shenzhen: Visit the Splendid China Folk Culture Village
Day5 深圳:大疆無人機參觀,科普交流分享
Day 5: Shenzhen: Visit DJI Drone Factory, Scientific Exchange and Sharing
Day6 深圳:參觀騰訊公司
Day 6: Shenzhen: Visit Tencent Headquarters
Day7 深圳:比亞迪新能源廣參觀-飛機-上海
Day 7: Shenzhen: Visit BYD New Energy Exhibition Center – Flight to Shanghai
Day8 上海:上海春秋航空-寬創國際
Day 8: Shanghai: Visit Spring Airlines Headquarters – BroadMesse International
Day9 上海:城隍廟-豫園-外灘
Day 9: Shanghai: City God Temple – Yu Garden – The Bund
Day10 上海-蘇州:拙政園-山塘街-古運河遊船
Day 10: Shanghai to Suzhou: Visit Humble Administrator’s Garden – Shantang Street – Cruise on the Ancient Grand Canal
Day11 蘇州-杭州:西湖遊船-雷峰塔
Day 11: Suzhou to Hangzhou: West Lake Boat Tour – Leifeng Pagoda
Day 12: 杭州-烏鎮-西柵-上海
Day 12: Hangzhou to Wuzhen – Xizha – Shanghai
Day13 上海:東方明珠-黃浦江遊船-田子坊
Day 13: Shanghai: Oriental Pearl Tower – Huangpu River Cruise – Tianzifang
Day 14: 上海送機-返回家園
Day 14: Transfer to Shanghai Airport for Return Home
