



這是我的市中心經濟復甦計劃其中一部分,三藩市歡迎大使們穿著描繪金門大橋的獨特橙色外套,透過與遊客和辦公室上班人士互動和溝通,在市中心和旅遊區提供熱情和積極的體驗。 除了駐紮在主要旅遊區和交通樞紐外,歡迎大使還會協助大型會議、遊輪抵達和節日等活動。歡迎大使計劃為三藩市的遊客、工人和居民帶來了重要的改變。

就在上個月,三藩市歡迎大使計劃獲得了加州旅遊協會頒發的「訪客體驗獎」。 協會獎項用作了表彰為加州旅遊業作出重大貢獻和影響的個人和組織。 三藩市歡迎大使計劃因其一貫和優質的客戶服務、獨特的體驗和客戶價值而受到表彰,提升了加州的聲譽,以激勵更多遊客到來。

為了在這一成功的基礎上再接再厲,我們最近宣佈擴大社區大使和警察部民職人員,以幫助改善三藩市公共安全,包括為三藩市歡迎大使計劃增加50名大使。 計劃將增加總共多達150名新的大使和服務人員,預計將包括中市場/田德隆區安全大使、橙色外套三藩市歡迎大使、灣區捷運服務人員和三藩市警察局社區大使的組合。

目前,有92名歡迎大使被分配到三藩市各區,包括渡輪大樓、39號碼頭、漁人碼頭、Embarcadero、華埠、北岸區、市場街、莫斯科尼會議中心一帶、東切區、聯合廣場和纜車總站。 三藩市旅遊改善區透過經濟和勞動力發展辦公室的撥款管理該計劃。

歡迎大使亦會把他們與遊客和居民的互動記錄下來,用作衡量影響和結果。 截至2022年11月1日,大使人員與公眾的互動達超過四百萬次。 在過去的一年裡,三藩市歡迎大使已經:












My Fellow San Franciscans,

This past week, I joined Supervisor Matt Dorsey, business and community leaders for the inaugural celebration of San Francisco’s Welcome Ambassador program. Officially launched in October 2021, the program is supported by the San Francisco Tourism Improvement District (SFTID) in partnership with the San Francisco Travel Association (SFTA).

As part of my Downtown Recovery Plan, the SF Welcome Ambassadors, who wear distinctive orange jackets with a depiction of the Golden Gate Bridge, provide a welcoming and positive experience in the City’s downtown and tourist areas by engaging and connecting with visitors and office workers. In addition to being stationed in key tourism and commuting areas, Welcome Ambassadors assist at events such as conventions, cruise ship arrivals, and festivals.

Our Welcome Ambassadors program have made a real difference for visitors, workers, and residents in our City.

Just last month, the SF Welcome Ambassador Program received the “Visitor Experience Award” from the California Travel Association (CalTravel). CalTravel Awards recognize individuals and organizations whose leadership efforts have significantly impacted California’s travel and tourism industry. The SF Welcome Ambassador Program was honored for its consistent and high-quality guest services, unique experiences, and customer value, elevating California’s reputation to inspire more visitors to the state.

To build on that success, we recently announced the expansion of community ambassadors and civilian police department personnel to help improve public safety in San Francisco, to include adding 50 more ambassadors to the SF Welcome Ambassador program. In total, the expansion will add up to 150 new ambassadors and attendants, which are expected to be a mix of Mid-Market/Tenderloin Safety Ambassadors, orange jacketed SF Welcome Ambassadors, BART service attendants, and SFPD Community Ambassadors.

Currently, there are 92 Welcome Ambassadors assigned to locations throughout San Francisco, including the Ferry Building, Pier 39, Fisherman’s Wharf, Embarcadero, Chinatown, North Beach, Market Street, Moscone Center, the East Cut, Union Square and Cable Car turnarounds. The San Francisco Tourism Improvement District manages the program through a grant from the Office of Economic and Workforce Development (OEWD).

Welcome Ambassadors keep track of their interactions with visitors and residents to measure impact and results. As of November 1, 2022, the ambassadors tracked over 4 million interactions with members of the public. Over the last year, SF Welcome Ambassadors have given:

‧ Directions over 250,000 times

‧ Information about City attractions and museums to over 100,000 people

‧ Business information over 57,000 times

‧ Over 20,000 hospitality escorts

‧ Restaurant recommendations nearly 14,000 times

We’ve heard from small business owners, conventions, retailers, neighborhood groups, and so many more about how these ambassadors are changing the feeling in our Downtown and tourist areas. This is all part of our plan to make San Francisco a safer and more welcoming City for all.

Please add me on WeChat for updates and resources: londonbreed.


London N. Breed

