
三藩市市長 布里德

截至2021年12月21日,三藩市的新冠7天平均病例率為398例,超過了Delta變種病毒肆虐時最高峰的平均比率,最近的數據顯示,該比率在過去一週繼續上升。 病例的增長速度是市內夏季 Delta 變種病毒感染病例的三倍,預計將進一步迅速增加。 市內醫院目前仍有充足的容量,而雖然住院率已經開始上升,但與去年冬天相比仍然為低。

為了應對迅速蔓延的 Omicron 變種病毒所導致的新冠病例急劇增加,我們宣佈了更新市內公共衛生指令:


1. 跟從州政府指令,要求醫療保健和高風險環境中,以及州指令未涵蓋的一些其他高風險環境的工作人員接種加強劑,到2022年2月1日;

2. 暫停室內允許在某些環境中為100%完全接種疫苗的穩定群體移除口罩豁免;及

3. 從2022年2月1日起,室內大型活動的與會者和工作人員需要最近的新冠疫苗接種,包括符合接種加強疫苗資格。

此外,三藩市公共衛生局計劃使其隔離和檢疫指南與疾病控制和預防中心和加州公共衛生局最近宣佈的修改保持一致,包括縮短新冠肺炎呈現陽性反應人士的隔離時間。三藩市公共衛生局將在未來幾周內更新本地的隔離指南。 疾病預防控制中心宣佈,建議新冠肺炎檢測呈陽性但無症狀的人士隔離5天,而不是之前建議的10天,並且再戴口罩5天。

疾病預防控制中心還宣佈,對於未接種疫苗或第二劑(或強生疫苗後2個月以上)超過6個月但尚未接種增強劑的人士,建議個人隔離5天,然後再嚴格使用口罩5天。 或者,如果5天的隔離不可行,疾控中心認為,緊密接觸者在10天內接觸他人時應佩戴口罩。


三藩市居民一次又一次地證明了大家明白保護公共健康的重要性。 有賴了我們的高疫苗接種率,今年的冬天比去年的情況要好得多,但對於那些未接種疫苗的人來說,確仍然存在風險。 我們將繼續專注於採取必要措施來應對最近激增的病例,同時保持商業開放,並讓學童繼續上學。盡自己的一份力量,確保自己和家人接種疫苗,在未來幾周和幾個月內繼續互相保護。




三藩市市長 倫敦.布里德


Omicron Variant Update——————By Mayor London Breed

San Francisco’s COVID-19 7-day average case rate as of December 21, 2021, was 398, surpassing the peak average during the Delta surge, and more recent data show the rate has continued to increase in the past week. Cases are rising three times faster than during our city’s summer Delta-fueled surge, and further rapid increases are expected. While our hospitals currently still have ample capacity, the rate of hospitalizations has started to increase but remains low compared to last Winter.

In response to the sharp increase of COVID-19 cases driven by the rapidly-spreading Omicron variant, we announced updates to the City’s health order.

Major changes include:

1) The City’s alignment with the State to require boosters among workers in healthcare and high-risk settings – as well as some additional higher-risk settings not covered by the State requirements – by February 1, 2022;

2) A temporary suspension of the indoor universal mask exemption that allowed removal of masks for stable groups of 100% fully vaccinated individuals in certain settings; and

3) A requirement that attendees and staff of indoor mega-events are up-to-date on COVID-19 vaccinations, including boosters if eligible, starting February 1, 2022.

In addition, the San Francisco Department of Public Health (SFDPH) plans to align its guidance on Isolation & Quarantine with the recently announced modifications recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), which include shortening the isolation time for people who are COVID-positive.

The SFDPH will be updating local guidance on isolation and quarantine in the coming weeks. The CDC announced that people who test positive for COVID-19 but are asymptomatic are recommended to isolate for 5 days instead of the previously recommended 10 days, with masking for an additional 5 days.

The CDC also announced that for people who are unvaccinated or are more than six months out from their second mRNA dose (or more than 2 months after the J&J vaccine) and not yet boosted, individuals are recommended to quarantine for 5 days followed by strict mask use for an additional 5 days. Alternatively, if a 5-day quarantine is not feasible, CDC considers it imperative that an exposed person wear a well-fitted mask at all times when around others for 10 days after exposure.

For individuals who have received their booster shot, the CDC states these individuals do not need to quarantine following an exposure but should wear a mask for 10 days after their exposure.

San Francisco residents have shown time and time again that they understand the importance of protecting public health. Thanks to our high vaccination rate, we are in a much better place than last Winter, but there is real danger out there for those who are unvaccinated. We will continue to focus on taking the steps necessary to deal with this latest surge of cases, while keeping our businesses open and keeping our kids in school, which is so important for our young people and their families. Do your part and get yourself and your family boosted so we can all continue to protect each other in the weeks and months ahead.

Have a happy new year!

Please add me on WeChat for updates and resources: londonbreed.


London N. Breed

