




寶多拉區樂高比賽活動上,布里德市長與上海協會會長李美玲(右一)和東南社區設施委員陳美玲(右二)合照。 Awning?Program?for?Small?Businesses My fellow San Franciscans, Over the last several months, nearly 200 small business owners have been subject to enforcement related to their existing awnings allegedly being out of compliance with certain codes after the Department of Building Inspection (DBI) received anonymous complaints about illegally installed business awnings throughout San Francisco.? In response to this series of complaints, Board President Aaron Peskin and I introduced legislation to create a temporary awning compliance program for all existing awnings. The ordinance creates a streamlined path that small business and property owners can follow through the end of 2023 to come into compliance before any enforcement action is taken, unless there are safety issues.? The program seeks to make it as easy as possible for the already overburdened small business community to address the high number of complaints targeted at them and it is an example of the efficiencies we can achieve as City government when all of our agencies are working collaboratively to solve problems to support small businesses, which are essential for the vitality of our economy and our neighborhoods. Under the proposed awning compliance ordinance, existing awning owners can have their permit and inspection fees waived, so long as permit applications are submitted to the City before December 31, 2023. Penalty fees and fines related to Notices of Violation will also be waived under this program.? Small business and property owners with existing awnings will not need to hire a licensed contractor or sign installer to prepare professional drawings for the permit to document awning compliance, unless an awning poses a safety issue that must be addressed. DBI will instead provide a simplified template of required information for small businesses to document the existing awning structure, which will save businesses money and time.? Prior to the proposed ordinance, DBI deprioritized enforcement against complaints of awnings being out of compliance, except in the case of urgent life safety issues requiring immediate action. DBI also delayed compliance on enforcement for 180 days for any issues of notices of violation, except for in the case of urgent life safety issues.??? Small businesses that need assistance with permitting can also reach out to the San Francisco Office of Small Business, the City’s central source of information for small businesses and a division of the Office of Economic & Workforce Development. Small Business Permit Specialists are available to guide small business owners through this awning compliance program and other permitting questions.?? For more information, you can contact the Office of Small Business at [email protected], call 628-652-4949, or visit sf.gov/OSB.? ? Please add me on WeChat for updates and resources: londonbreed. Sincerely, London N. Breed Mayor



針對這一系列投訴,市參事議會主席佩斯金和我共同提出立法為所有現有遮陽篷制定臨時遮陽篷合規計劃。 該條例將簡化程序,除非存在安全問題,否則小商業和業主可以在2023年底前遵循該途徑,在任何執法行動之前達到合規要求。


根據草議的遮陽篷合規條例,只要在2023年12月31日之前向市政府提交許可證申請,現有的遮陽篷擁有人可以免除許可證和檢查費。 根據該計劃,與違規通知相關的罰款也將免除。

除非遮陽篷構成必須解決的安全問題,否則擁有現存遮陽篷的小商業和業主不需要僱用有執照的承包商或招牌安裝人員來準備專業圖紙,以記錄遮陽篷合規性。 相反,樓宇檢查局將為小商業提供所需資訊的簡化範本,記錄現有的遮陽篷結構,為商業節省金錢和時間。


需要許可證援助的小商業也可以聯絡三藩市小商業辦公室,該辦公室是本市支援小商業的中央資訊來源,也是經濟和勞動力發展辦公室其中一個部門。 小商業許可證專家可以指導商戶完成這個遮陽篷合規計劃和其他許可證疑問。

有關更多資訊,您可以透過電郵[email protected]與小商業辦公室聯絡,致電628-652-4949,或瀏覽網站sf.gov/OSB。



三藩市市長 倫敦.布里德


Awning Program for Small Businesses

My fellow San Franciscans,
Over the last several months, nearly 200 small business owners have been subject to enforcement related
to their existing awnings allegedly being out of compliance with certain codes after the Department of
Building Inspection (DBI) received anonymous complaints about illegally installed business awnings
throughout San Francisco.
In response to this series of complaints, Board President Aaron Peskin and I introduced legislation to
create a temporary awning compliance program for all existing awnings. The ordinance creates a
streamlined path that small business and property owners can follow through the end of 2023 to come into
compliance before any enforcement action is taken, unless there are safety issues.
The program seeks to make it as easy as possible for the already overburdened small business community
to address the high number of complaints targeted at them and it is an example of the efficiencies we can
achieve as City government when all of our agencies are working collaboratively to solve problems to
support small businesses, which are essential for the vitality of our economy and our neighborhoods.
Under the proposed awning compliance ordinance, existing awning owners can have their permit and
inspection fees waived, so long as permit applications are submitted to the City before December 31,
2023. Penalty fees and fines related to Notices of Violation will also be waived under this program.
Small business and property owners with existing awnings will not need to hire a licensed contractor or
sign installer to prepare professional drawings for the permit to document awning compliance, unless an
awning poses a safety issue that must be addressed. DBI will instead provide a simplified template of
required information for small businesses to document the existing awning structure, which will save
businesses money and time.
Prior to the proposed ordinance, DBI deprioritized enforcement against complaints of awnings being out
of compliance, except in the case of urgent life safety issues requiring immediate action. DBI also delayed
compliance on enforcement for 180 days for any issues of notices of violation, except for in the case of
urgent life safety issues.
Small businesses that need assistance with permitting can also reach out to the San Francisco Office of
Small Business, the City’s central source of information for small businesses and a division of the Office
of Economic & Workforce Development. Small Business Permit Specialists are available to guide small
business owners through this awning compliance program and other permitting questions.
For more information, you can contact the Office of Small Business at [email protected], call 628-652-
4949, or visit sf.gov/OSB.
Please add me on WeChat for updates and resources: londonbreed.


London N. Breed
