






雖然最近選舉的選票仍在最後敲定,但結果已經相繼公布。 三藩市處於關鍵時刻,大家面對著公共安全、市中心復甦以及街頭無家可歸和吸毒多方面等的挑戰和挫敗感。


我在此祝賀我們的地方檢察官謝安宜,以及最新的兩位市參事麥德誠和殷嘉立的選舉。 我亦恭賀教育委員會委員黎美兒和李慧文的選舉,以及莫雷爾當選社區大學董事會成員。

在我今年3月的市情咨文演說中,我提到說我們必須專注於回到基本功能。 因為在我們和居民在新冠疫情期間為相互保護做出了巨大努力後,現在是我們專注於重建和照顧政務的時候了。 這代表確保我們的街道更乾淨、更安全。 這代表確保我們的公車按時行使。 這代表確保我們的學生在課堂上得到支援。 這代表在我們推動經濟復甦和增加就業機會時,對預算做出艱難的決定。

當然,我們希望推動創新計劃。 我們希望採取大膽的步驟,例如為家庭在金門公園內創造美麗和安全的新開放空間,例如JFK大道。 當然,我們希望繼續作為捍衛所有人平等權利的領導。 但這項工作必須與我們繼續致力於做好基礎工作上相輔相成。





Election Results

By Mayor London Breed

My Fellow San Franciscans,

While the votes from our recent election are still being finalized, the results are in. San Francisco is at a crucial moment, and we face challenges around public safety, our Downtown recovery, and frustrations with homelessness and drug use on our street.

Right now, there is a lot of frustration in this City, but despite that our residents didn’t let that cynicism take over. They voted for positive changes and for getting back to the basics of good government.

I want to congratulate our District Attorney Brooke Jenkins, as well as our newest members of the Board of Supervisors Matt Dorsey and Joel Engardio, for their elections. I also want to recognize Board of Education Commissioners Lanie Motamedi and Lisa Weissman-Ward for their elections and Murrell Green for his election to the Community College Board.

When I gave my State of the City back in March of this year, I said that we had to focus on getting back to basics. Because after the herculean efforts by our City and residents during COVID to protect one another, it was time for us to focus on rebuilding and taking care of the business of government. That means making our streets cleaner and safer. It means making sure our buses are running on time. It means making sure our students are supported in the classroom. It means making the hard decisions around our budget as we build up our economic recovery and add jobs back.

We, of course, want to push innovative programs. We want to take the bold steps to create beautiful and safe new open spaces for families in Golden Gate Park, which we’ve done on JFK Promenade. And we, of course, want to continue to be a beacon that champions equal rights for all. But that work must come in concert with us remaining committed to doing the basics well.

Looking forward, we need to continue that work, whether it’s building on our work around public safety, housing, and education, as well as getting our economy going Downtown, reforming our hiring process so we can fill vacancy and improve city services, and continuing our efforts to reduce unsheltered homelessness.

Please add me on WeChat for updates and resources: londonbreed.


London N. Breed

