




親愛的讀者們:上週末,我們在市政中心的Fulton 廣場開設了San FranDISCO輪滑埸,一個全新佔地的5000平方尺的場地,將展示最好的輪滑文化,包括現場DJ音樂、舊式派對和五顏六色的燈光。

這個新的輪滑場是一個為期三個月的試點,市府與合作伙伴及社區進行評估後,日後可能會延長運作。 San FranDISCO將於週三至週日中午至晚上8時向公眾開放。 18歲以下的年輕人入埸費只需 5元,18歲及以上的人士入場費為15元(入場費包括場地和輪滑鞋租用)。

除了高品質的輪滑場地板和雨棚上蓋保護外,場地設施還包括廁所、用具出租亭和充足的公共休息區,大家都可以在該處欣賞輪滑人士的活動。 教練將在週三至週日的中午12點、下午2點和4點提供90分鐘的滑冰課程,以及週三至週日的下午6點至晚上8點提供兩小時的滑冰課程。

三藩市經濟復甦需要社區各人的共同努力,正如開設輪滑埸一樣,希望大家對三藩市感到興奮。 我希望你也能親身到訪市政廳大樓對面的滑輪。 外出玩樂時,也緊記支持小商業和餐館。


一年多前,市內許多小商業受官司提起訴並接獲索賞信,指控他們違反了聯邦殘疾人士法,特別是違反了《美國殘疾人士法》。 市府當時分配了資源來幫助有需要的商戶。

就在上週,地方檢察官宣佈,她的辦公室正在就駁回對Potter Handy LLP律師事務所的突破性民事起訴提出上訴。 該申訴由三藩市地方檢察官辦公室和洛杉磯地方檢察官辦公室於2022年4月提出。 根據申訴事項,估計三藩市和周邊灣區有800多家商店成為Potter Handy LLP欺詐性非法訴訟的受害者。

要報告Potter Handy LLP欺詐性訴訟或提供現有案件更新,商戶應致電地方檢察官辦公室欺詐舉報熱線:628-652-4311。



三藩市市長 倫敦.布里德

Activating public spaces, and supporting businesses

My Fellow San Franciscans,

Last weekend, we opened San FranDISCO, a new 5,000 square ft. roller rink on Fulton Plaza in Civic Center. The pop-up rink will showcase the best of roller-skating culture, featuring music from live DJs, disco balls, and colorful lights.

This new roller rink is a three-month pilot program with the possibility of extension following evaluation made by the City with partners and community. San FranDISCO will be open to the public Wednesdays through Sundays, noon to 8:00 p.m. Youth under 18 years can skate for $5, and people 18 and up for $15 (admission fees cover entrance and skate rental). With offerings for everyone, the rink is a welcomed new outdoor entertainment amenity for residents and visitors alike to enjoy.

In addition to the high-quality rink flooring protected from the elements with a roof canopy, the rink facility features restrooms, a skate rental kiosk, and ample public seating areas where anyone can enjoy watching skaters in action. Instructors will offer 90-minute skating sessions at 12:00 p.m., 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m., and a two-hour session from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. evenings Wednesdays through Sunday.

Bringing our City back is going to require everyone in our community working together on ideas like this rink that get people excited about San Francisco. I hope you will be able to go down to roller skate right across from City Hall at Fulton Plaza. Let’s also support some of the small businesses and restaurants while you are there.

And I also want to take this opportunity to thank District Attorney Brooke Jenkins for her work on advocating small businesses impacted by disability lawsuits in Chinatown.

Over a year ago, lawsuits were filed and demand letters were sent to small businesses citywide alleging violations of federal disability access laws, specifically violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The City allocated resources to help merchants in need.

Just last week, the District Attorney announced that her office is appealing the dismissal of its groundbreaking civil prosecution against the law firm Potter Handy LLP. The complaint was filed by the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office and Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office in April 2022. According to the complaint, it is estimated that well over 800 businesses in San Francisco and the surrounding Bay Area have been victimized by Potter Handy’s fraudulent, illegal lawsuits.

To report fraudulent lawsuits or provide updates to existing cases businesses contacted by Potter Handy should call the District Attorney’s Office Fraud Hotline: 628-652-4311.

Please add me on WeChat for updates and resources: londonbreed.


London N. Breed

