






在疫情期間,在本地和全國各地內,兒童、年輕人及其家人經歷了孤立、悲傷、創傷、收入和住房不穩定、學習損失、焦慮和抑鬱症增加以及社交和情感掌握的延誤。 該計劃概述了解決以下類別問題的建議:

‧ 身體健康

‧ 心理健康

‧ 未完成的學習

‧ 新的和擴充學習

‧ 托兒

‧ 學習材料需求

‧ 種族不公平

‧ 家庭支援

‧ 安全與治療

‧ 導航

‧ 系統更改和建立

在疫情期間,我們深明家庭面對的壓力和危機,市府部門和社區組織共同合作,透過社區中心等緊急措施支援最有需要的家庭,78 個社區中心站點為 2500多名學生提供服務。 在社區中心,學童在遙距學習和課外活動以及健康膳食和零食方面等獲得面對面支援。 他們也有機會安全地參與體育活動、藝術、戲劇、互動和玩耍。 該計劃中詳述的這些緊急措施和許多其他方法成為三藩市能夠為家庭服務的一個例子,這兒童和家庭復甦計劃以這一經驗為基礎,為更廣泛和更深入的長期變化提供了路線圖。



三藩市市長 倫敦.布里德

Supporting Children and Families

By Mayor London Breed

My fellow San Franciscans,

San Francisco has been a leader in taking collaborative and creative steps to protect its residents from COVID-19, and we will continue to do the same in supporting children and families, who we know have suffered and are continuing to struggle.

That’s why we recently released our Children and Family Recovery Plan, a Citywide strategy for COVID-19 recovery for San Francisco’s children, youth, and families. The Plan coordinates resources from across the City, amplifies community voices, advances advocacy efforts, and creates a roadmap of strategies to be implemented over a three-to-five-year span that will support San Francisco’s children, youth, and families as they recover from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Locally and nationally during this pandemic, children, young people, and their families have experienced isolation, grief, trauma, financial and housing instability, learning loss, increased anxiety and depression, and delays in social and emotional mastery. The Plan outlines recommendations to address the issues in the following categories:

Physical Health

Mental Health

Unfinished Learning

New and Expanded Learning


Concrete and Material Needs

Recovery from Racial Injustice

Family Support

Safety and Healing

Access and Navigation

System Change and System Creation

During the pandemic, understanding the level of strain and crisis for families, City departments and community organizations rallied together to support our families with the highest needs through emergency initiatives such as the Community Hubs, which served over 2,500 students across 78 sites. At the Community Hubs, children received in-person support with distance learning and out of school time activities along with healthy meals and snacks. They had opportunities to safely engage in physical activity, art, drama, peer interaction, and play. These emergency measures and many other efforts detailed in the plan served as an example of what San Francisco is capable of doing for families, and this Children and Family Recovery Plan builds on that experience to provide a roadmap for much broader and deeper long-term change.

Please add me on WeChat for updates and resources: londonbreed.


London N. Breed

