






正因如此,我和市參事孟達文 (Rafael Mandelman) 合作,在巿參事會引入了預算補貼,以抵消這兩次特別選舉的費用。 這1千2百萬元的提議將支付2月和4月的選舉費用,包括選舉相關費用,工作人員、列印選票和郵政支出、保安、投票地點等費用。

目前,三藩市聯合校區需要負責支付即將到來的教育委員會罷免的總共開支。 在三藩市政府的財政援助下,三藩市聯合校區可以將時間和資源放在其他事項上。


市內各學校的財政預算教正面臨著未知之數,我亦因此與市參事盧凱莉(Hillary Ronen)合作,計劃免除向三藩市聯合校區提供的2千6百6十萬元貸款。 這筆貸款由三藩市在2019年依從我的指示提供,為當時正在訴訟的教育工作者生活工資稅G提案預土地稅 (Parcel Tax) 付款。 過去的一周,法院就G提案作出了有利於學區的裁決,令校區將獲得該項一直不能動用的資金,而三藩市也本應因此可以收回該項貸款。

然而,由於持續的結構性預算,三藩市聯合校區未來財政年度的預算赤字亦將繼續加深。 因此,免除這筆貸款償是三藩市進一步支援市內學童和家庭的行動之一。我們將繼續進一切力量支援學區,幫助學童踏上成功之路。






Helping SFUSD

By Mayor London Breed

Early next year, voters are expected to vote in two specials elections: the San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) Board of Education recall, and the District 17 State Assembly vacancy and San Francisco Assessor-Recorder special elections

I have made it clear from the beginning of the pandemic, we must focus on educating our students, supporting our workforce, and reopening our City. During this critical time, we need to ensure that the cost of the school board recall does not fall on the backs of our children to make sure that this funding goes directly to our students.

That is why I worked with Supervisor Rafael Mandelman to introduce a budget supplemental to the Board of Supervisors to offset the costs of these two special elections. The $12 million proposal will cover the costs of elections in February and April, covering election-related costs, including staffing, ballot printing and postage, security, polling locations, among others costs.

Currently, SFUSD is responsible for incurring the total cost of the upcoming School Board recall. With financial assistance from the City, SFUSD can prioritize their time and resources on other matters.

People can agree or disagree with the recall, and we can all agree that the this recall election should not impact our student, our teacher and families.

Our schools are facing an uncertain and dire fiscal future, I have also worked with Supervisor Hillary Ronen on a plan to forgive a $26.6 million loan made to the San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD). The loan was made in 2019 by the City at my direction to advance funds for the Proposition G Living Wages for Educators Act parcel tax, which was under litigation at the time. This past week, the Courts ruled in favor of the School District on Proposition G, and therefore the City is now able to collect on that loan since the District will have access to the frozen funds.

However, given the SFUSD budget shortfall for the upcoming fiscal year that will continue to deepen due to ongoing structural budget challenges. That is why forgiving this loan is the right thing for the City to do to further support our kids and our families. We will continue to do what we can to support the School District and help get them on the path to success.

Finally, Thanksgiving is upon us and I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your support. I know the pandemic has exacerbated some of the challenges we face, and we are working to make sure that our future is brighter and better.

Please add me on WeChat for updates and resources: londonbreed.


London N. Breed

