




對三藩市而言,我們到達了一個令人難以置信的時刻。我們是全國唯一一個有現場艦隊週的城市,同時巨人隊本週末在甲骨文球埸舉辦了季後賽,而勇士隊再次在大通中心在球迷面前比賽,第一個真正的花車巡遊—— 意大利文化 —— 在北岸舉行。我們亦宣布了首航遊輪將於週一從返三藩市,這是我們經濟復甦的一個重要里程碑。





大家都明白疫苗是擺脫疫情的唯一方法,也是我們能夠讓三藩市前進發展的關鍵。目前,我們有 82% 的符合條件的三藩市居民接種了疫苗,我們正在準備聯邦食品及藥物管理局對 5-11 歲兒童的疫苗授權。

我們對市政府員工的疫苗要求亦發揮了作用 —— 超過 94% 的員工已完全接種疫苗,在近 35,000 名市政府僱員中,只有 2,000 多人未接種疫苗或未報告其狀況。在上週末,我們又向前邁進了一步,為所有定期與市政員工一同工作的市府合約員工製定了疫苗規定。




雖然我們還沒有達到這些指標,但三藩市正在採取一些初步措施,從 10 月 15 日下週開始,在一些環境下取消佩戴口罩的規定,其中包括辦公室、健身房、雇員通勤車輛、宗教聚會、大學室內課程或其他定期組織聚會。



隨著赫雷拉 (Dennis Herrera) 將成為三藩市公共事業委員會的總經理,我們必須尋找一位敬業的公務員來擔任代表三藩市居民的市府律師。我亦因此很榮幸能夠任命州眾議員邱信福來填補這個重要職位。




三藩市市長 倫敦.布里德

City Bouncing Back

By Mayor London Breed

This is an incredible time for our City. We are the only City in the country with an in-person Fleet Week, the Giants are hosting the Dodgers in the playoffs at Oracle park this weekend, the Warriors are playing in front of fans again at Chase Center, and we have our first real parade on Sunday with the Italian Heritage Parade taking place in North Beach. And we just announced that the first cruise will return to San Francisco on Monday, which is a major sign for our City’s recovery.

All of this to say — the City is coming alive. And we are just getting started.

We know that we are still dealing with COVID, but this City has shown it can bounce back. We’ve had beautiful weather the last few weeks, and the outdoor dining in our Shared Spaces has really brought an incredible atmosphere to our streets. Looking ahead, we’ve got Outside Lands returning at the end of the month, which will bring three days of incredible music to Golden Gate Park.

I’m excited for what’s coming, and I hope everyone in this City is, too. We’ve got a lot to celebrate and hopefully there’s more to come.

Vaccine Update

We know that the vaccine is the way out of this pandemic, and is key to why we are able to get our City moving forward. Right now, we are at 82% of eligible San Franciscans who are fully vaccinated, and we are preparing for the FDA authorization of the vaccine for 5-11 year olds.

Our vaccine mandate for City workers is working — over 94% of workers are fully vaccinated, leaving only just over 2,000 of the nearly 35,000 City employees who are either unvaccinated or haven’t reported their status. And last week, we also took another step forward by creating a vaccine mandate for all City contract workers who work regularly alongside City workers.

These mandates are all about keeping our workers safe and healthy, as well as the public they interact with every day. A healthy workforce will keep our City moving forward as we push forward our economic recovery.

Indoor Masking Update

As our case numbers continue to go down and our vaccine rates increase, we are now able to begin to lift some of our indoor masking rules. Along with the other Bay Area Counties, we have set clear metrics when the Department of Public Health will lift the indoor mask mandate.

While we haven’t hit those metrics yet, San Francisco is taking some first steps to lift the masking rules in certain settings where people are 100% vaccinated starting next week on October 15. These include offices, gyms and fitness centers, employee commuter vehicles, religious gatherings, and indoor college classes or other organized gatherings of individuals who meet regularly.

This is a good step, especially for our Downtown Recovery because we know that bringing workers back is essential to supporting the small businesses that have been struggling downtown.

David Chiu Appt

With Dennis Herrera moving to become the General Manager of the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, it was important we find a dedicated public servant to step into the important role of serving as City Attorney for the people of San Francisco. I’m proud to have appointed our Assemblymember David Chiu to fill this critical position.

David has been a tremendous legislator and fighter for San Francisco from his years as a practicing attorney through to his time as President of the Board of Supervisors and in the State Assembly. He has the vision, integrity, and experience to serve as City Attorney, and I know he will continue to fight for the people in our community who are most in need.

Please add me on WeChat for updates and resources: londonbreed.


London N. Breed

